ESC6. Practical School on EPR spectroscopy, 15th-17th May 2023

Marseille Laboratoire BIP, 31 chemin Joseph Aiguier, Marseille

A short practical course dedicated to beginners in EPR spectroscopy It focuses on the use of different EPR spectrometers: from the classical ones (continuous wave, cw-EPR) to the most advanced ones (pulsed EPR, ENDOR, ELDOR) Deadline April 17th 2023

2nd MOSBRI Scientific Conference

Zaragoza Patio de La Infanta – iberCaja (Salon Rioja), Zaragoza

#MolecularBiophysics  - See you all in June 5th-7th 2023 in Zaragoza - Deadline for registration April 20th  

ARBRE General Assembly – a hybrid event

La Doua Amphitheater "Marie Curie" - 1 rue J.B. LAMARCK, Villeurbanne

Official presentation of ARBRE and 2023 General Assembly Are you interested in benchmarking, technology alert, GLP, SOP? This 1-day brainstorming on Molecular Scale Biophysics is for you! Registration will open soon on: Registration fees: 50 € ordinary members onsite, 10 € early career members onsite,  10 € online Sponsors: ISA (Institute of Analytical Sciences), Read More